Monday, April 5, 2010


It was Easter yesterday and for some reason as I'm watching my third egg hunt I remembered a story I've always wanted to record but never have so here goes:
About five years ago I started a new job at a big ad agency. I'd been there about two weeks, still trying to get acclimated and feeling like the new kid in school, a feeling I don't like at all. I guess no one does, really. I felt like everyone else knew each other, had been friends for life and would not invite me to sit with them in the cafeteria. If there actually had been a cafeteria, which there wasn't, but you get it. There was a "pub" sort of beer drinking area but whatever.
So Good Friday comes along and at the end of the day I'm in a crowded elevator and feeling kind of blue. I overhear a conversation between several really attractive account people that of course I don't know:
"I heard about your kitty, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, she's been sick for a while. I guess I'm glad she died on Good Friday."
"Oh wow, I guess that's true."
And without thinking (which is usually how I roll) I say from the back of the elevator to these four total strangers:
"Maybe you should check back in a couple of days."
There is this point in lots of conversations where you just don't know where the ball is going to go. They turned as one and looked at me for about an hour. Ok, for about two seconds they looked at me and then they all just cracked up. Which was great since we were all locked in a metal box together.
"I'm totally going to use that." says former cat owner with a really nice smile.
"You're the new recruiter, aren't you?" says account guy with the man bag.
"I heard we hired a recruiter, thank god you're here." says account girl with perfect eyebrows. How do you get perfect eyebrows like that?
"Yeah, that's me." And with the perfect timing I never have, the doors open and I step off.