Friday, September 28, 2007

What Shoe Are You?

I have decided that I am a round toe shoe girl. But sometimes I wish I were a pointy toe shoe girl.

The pointy toe shoe girl is sassy, brave, girly and a bit delicate. She sometimes plays dumb and helpless and people do things for her. Jennifer Lopez is a PTSG. Round toe shoe girls usually play it safe, are a little shy but confident and practical. Drew Barrymore is a RTSG. I can sometimes get away with the pointy toe shoe but it can exhaust me and I have to be willing to maintain the persona of the pointy toe shoe girl for the duration. If I'm in the right mood it's easy, great fun and I wonder why I'm not the PTSG all the time, look how good I did today and how hard could this be to do all the time? I love the bitch kitty. Then I get home, take off my shoes and make a pained, kind of gutteral sigh and put on big socks or sandals. Or I don't even make it to the car before I turn around and put on cowboy boots, which, while having pointy toes, are not really considered an option for the PTSG.

Being a RTSG isn't all bad. We're the badasses, we need the round toe and sturdy heel so we can round-house kick and stomp on the gas really hard. We're not delicate, we're not afraid of bugs or of getting dirty. We are taken seriously and people think we're funny. And most importantly we can temporarily become the PSG and pull it off. PTSGs just clomp all over the place and ask people to drive them places or carry their stuff in the round toes.

However, I still sometimes wish I was the pointy toe shoe girl.

1 comment:

Muriel Puce said...


I simply adore your blog! This post reminds me of that old proverb. Or is a parable? I can never remember what they call those charming little tales from the New Testament.

You know the one I'm talking about -- about the woman who was feeling sorry for herself because she had no pointy-toed shoes, only to see someone who was wearing open-toed sandals, and it was after Labor Day, and well, it was just ghastly!

Ever yours,
M Puce